00:38:47 Tom Meehan: yES 00:38:48 wmansfield: we try 00:38:49 hetrickk: yes 00:38:52 Lisa (she/her/hers): yes 00:38:53 Sandy: yes 00:38:54 Neil Everett: yes 00:38:56 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: We try ;) 00:38:58 David Swihart: Yes 00:39:24 Catherine Grossman: Hardly 00:39:31 Neil Everett: Need work 00:39:37 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Technically it works- but it doesn't always drive better performance. 00:39:46 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: We revamped ours so they are hopefully worth the time. 00:39:49 wmansfield: 50 50 00:40:04 Steve Luoma: needs improvements 00:44:21 Tom Meehan: WHAT ARE IMPLICATIONS OF LATE PERFORMANCE REIEWS?. 00:45:07 Catherine Grossman: Hold those late evaluators responsible 00:45:18 Neil Everett: Make them objective with goals 00:45:20 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Maybe something is better than nothing - just continue to refine it and improve the process 00:45:23 Lisa (she/her/hers): Manager's also have to use the reviews correctly 00:45:28 Julie Litt: It would show up in their performance appraisal 00:45:38 Lisa (she/her/hers): Communicate honestly and accurately 00:46:06 Tom Meehan: CAN AN ATTOURNEY MAKE A CASE THAT A LATE PERFORMANCE REVIEW SHOWS THE POOR PERFORMANCE WAS NOT THAT BIG A DEAL? 00:47:12 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Haha exactly it's literally in my job description 00:47:23 sdunn: who obviously doesn't delegate enough...….. 00:48:17 Steve Luoma: fake news 00:48:29 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Sadly, yes 00:48:35 sdunn: definitely 00:52:20 Catherine Grossman: money 00:52:26 Catherine Grossman: time off 00:52:29 Neil Everett: Job satisfaction 00:52:30 Steve Luoma: wages 00:52:33 Christina: Depends on the person. Some want good wages and some wanted to be appreciated more. 00:52:43 Tom Meehan: self actualization 00:52:44 awebb: Appreciation 00:52:45 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Flexibility and an understanding work environment 00:52:49 Julie Litt: some want flexibility 00:52:50 Steve Luoma: insurance 00:52:57 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Feeling "loved", appreciated, that their contributions make a difference - while being compensated fairly (and that's total comp - not just $$) 00:53:01 Lisa (she/her/hers): Money, appreciation, accountability for everything, work-life balance 00:53:10 sdunn: environment and appreciation 00:53:19 Belinda: Job satisfaction 00:53:22 ASchumm: You need to know what is most important to each employee. Everyone is different and that is important to know. 00:53:37 David Swihart: acknowledgement 00:53:41 diana: Wages/promotion and growth 00:53:50 Beth Graff: yoga pants! 00:53:55 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: PJs for the win! 00:53:56 Tom Meehan: Jeans 00:54:05 ciara.bonn: back in the office.. wish I was in pjs! 00:54:08 Belinda: Business attire 00:54:12 Julie Litt: dressed for job as I work from the office 00:54:17 w mansfield: uniform 00:55:25 sdunn: a level below what I wear to the office 00:59:37 diana: Some supervisors live only in their lives and don't want to get the know their employees. 00:59:42 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: OMG I need to change professions! 00:59:51 w mansfield: heck ya 01:03:40 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Absolutely 01:03:50 Steve Luoma: yes 01:03:50 hetrickk: yes 01:04:09 w mansfield: it helps 01:04:27 w mansfield: no 01:06:40 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: 👍🏼 01:07:35 sdunn: yep I've taken pay cuts because of a bad job :) 01:07:58 Steve Luoma: is it wise to do self apprials 01:08:24 sdunn: yes, we actually have to do that before our supervisor does them 01:08:25 Tom Meehan: get the employee to buy into the process 01:09:17 sdunn: exactly, without the self appraisal it feels like a "everything you do wrong" meeting 01:13:07 Julie Litt: yes it needs to be specific and what has been discussed and if there was improvement 01:13:28 diana: comments don't match the rating/scale. 01:14:11 sdunn: and DO NOT wait a whole year to tell me something that I didn't do correctly 01:16:03 Neil Everett: no 01:16:06 Julie Litt: no 01:16:08 sdunn: I'd say they need to work on not including profanity in reviews...…. 01:16:15 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: If so the trainer needs to be re-trained 01:16:42 sdunn: That's a McDonald's supervisor 01:16:47 Neil Everett: The tool is not objective with specifics. 01:17:26 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Needs measures - metrics - things you can document with quantifiable results 01:17:53 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: otherwise it's too "fluffy" LOL 01:18:05 sdunn: This kind of scale and comments don't inform the employee of anything constructive 01:18:09 Tom Meehan: Just the facts mam 01:18:33 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: And I know Scott - and he is NOT about fluffy ;) 01:18:52 Tom Meehan: What does success look like 01:19:05 Neil Everett: If your doing a good job with corrective action, it stands on it's own. Leave it out of the evaluation. 01:19:40 Tom Meehan: need to be consistant 01:19:58 sdunn: Exactly, the prospect of a review shouldn't make you nervous as an employee 01:21:38 sdunn: is this performance review from the 80's??? 01:26:03 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Yes 01:26:09 Dan Windhorst: just heard it today 01:26:13 w mansfield: xzyep 01:26:40 Neil Everett: Throw out the scales. Evaluation should be a cheat-sheet (goals) based on the employee's performance to help them to be successful going forward, not to rehash behavior or performance that was previously addressed. 01:28:11 Lisa (she/her/hers): All the same- all 3s 01:28:13 diana: All the same. 01:28:15 w mansfield: review after awards 01:28:16 Belinda: all 3 points 01:29:20 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Pics would help document that - just not sure if taking a pic is OK 01:29:51 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: We have all our EEs sign a media release - so maybe that covers us 01:30:44 Julie Litt: what happens if your employee doesn't sign a media release? 01:31:00 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Our offer is conditionally on signing all our docs, background check, etc 01:31:08 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: we use EE pics on our website, LinkedIn, etc 01:31:21 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: so that's why the media release is critical 01:31:33 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: cover stills and video and voice 01:32:29 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: We count/publish EE kudo's too - https://www.delphiaconsulting.com/what-theyre-saying/ 01:33:00 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: CHeap easy tool to capture those - www.boast.io 01:33:16 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: yup 01:33:18 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: and they stay 01:33:22 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: well, Scott fires the bad ones LOL 01:34:53 sdunn: He's "phoning it in" 01:34:53 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Reciting job description 01:34:56 Neil Everett: Fatigue 01:38:59 Tom Meehan: I had an impatient client who I set up simple performance review of 1what employees should stop doing, 2 what they should start doing and 3what they should continue doing. it worked for him 01:42:48 Tom Meehan: amen 01:42:48 w mansfield: yes 01:42:50 sdunn: oh yeah! 01:42:55 Steve Luoma: yes 01:42:56 diana: a few times. 01:43:05 ASchumm: that's when I do my best learning 01:44:03 sdunn: I had a trainer set me to ease saying I "couldn't possibly screw up the system" but I definitely challenged him on that 01:50:08 Tom Meehan: many 01:50:10 w mansfield: no 01:50:11 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: I'm one (well, historically LOL) 01:50:21 Sandy: Married to one 01:50:26 Tamara C: Related - my daughter-in-law 01:56:34 sdunn: yes, we self review and the employee has to read their copy of the supervisors' before the meeting actually starts 02:03:01 sdunn: i used to have a supervisor that wouldn't give 5's in any category because it meant we had nothing to work on 02:03:33 sdunn: yeah that's it right there, wasn't motivatin 02:06:59 Steve Luoma: I did 02:07:11 w mansfield: yes 02:07:19 ciara.bonn: thank you! this was great!! 02:07:26 hetrickk: Thank you. The course was awesome! 02:07:27 sdunn: thanks! 02:07:33 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Thanks for a great session! Hope to see you at SHRM Annual in New Orleans! I'm giving 2 sessions this time. 02:07:41 Tiffany Kittell: Thank you 02:07:44 Steve Luoma: thanks really enjoyed the class 02:07:48 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: 6/13: Driving Success: Using Effective Strategy, Goal Management, and Coaching to Boost Employee Engagement 6/14: Eight Reasons to Rethink the Annual Performance Review 02:07:55 Belinda: Thanks much! Very helpful!! 02:07:55 diana: Thank you, very helpful! 02:07:57 Kathy: Thank you Scott. This series was very beneficial. 02:08:06 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: I'm not sure - might be hybrid- they don't tell the speaker much lol 02:08:18 w mansfield: thanks good luck. 02:08:22 Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPBA: Will do ;) 02:08:55 Kelly Culver: Thank you so much!! I have loved this training. It has been great!! 02:09:10 Tamara C: Thank you, Scott. 02:09:15 Emily Skunda- Perry Public Library: Thank you, this has given me a lot more confidence as a supervisor. 02:09:24 Beth Graff: Thank you, Scott! Always love your sessions and talk about you to others all the time! 02:10:01 Lisa (she/her/hers): thank you!