Solve Employee Problems Before They Start
Resolving Conflict in the Real World


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Solve Employee Problems Before They Start

With compassion, clarity, and conviction (and a dash of comedy for good measure) popular speaker, HR consultant and employment/labor law attorney Scott Warrick boils down conflict resolution to just three simple moves: Empathic Listening, Parroting, and Rewards (EPR). These are the ONLY three moves you will ever need to resolve a conflict. However, because no one can use their EPR skills unless they can control themselves, he also shows you how to become an Emotionally Intelligent Communicator, since mental toughness is a critical component in resolving conflict.

“You get hired based on your technical skills.
However, you get promoted and are successful
based on your ability to relate to others.”

The formula is simple: if you can control yourself, which is Emotional Intelligence, you can learn and master EPR skills to resolve any conflict in any situation — and build durable trust with others, in your personal life and throughout your organizations.


Words of Wisdom from Solve Employee Problems

“The Degree To Which You Will Improve Is Directly Related To How Much Pain You Can Take.” “The human animal is the most fickle, most emotional, most dangerous animal on the planet. A human can turn on you in 17,000ths of a second. Never forget that.” “It is impossible to resolve conflicts or have trusting relationships with Retreaters, or passive aggressives. Unfortunately, we humans are “hard-wired” to be passive-aggressive, or trolls, or bullies.” “In short, we are still just cavemen in pants … but it is time to grow up.”


Read Scott’s Interview with Escalon

Read Scott’s interview with Escalon

Listen to Scott’s interview with Brian Bushlach

Listen to Scott’s interview with Brian Bushlach for the Business Briefing Podcast: Special Report: 401K Mandates & Deadlines

Read Scott’s Article for TRAINING INDUSTRY:
How Great Leaders Address and Resolve Conflict

Read Scott’s article for TRAINING INDUSTRY: How Great Leaders Address and Resolve Conflict

Listen to Scott’s interview with FastLeader

52 Minutes

Listen to Scott’s interview with FastLeader
Show Notes

Listen to Scott’s interview with ClimbTalk Radio

22 Minutes

Listen to Scott’s interview with ClimbTalk Radio:
How “EPR” Solves Employee Problems Before They Happen

Read Scott’s Article Emotional Intelligence:
The Real Key to Success

Read Scott’s article, Emotional Intelligence:
The Real Key to Success



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Bring Scott’s training and coaching to your employees and supervisors, as well as help with your HR and Employment Law issues.

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